Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Deepak Chopkra Day #3 Mind, Matter, Spirit

I have reflected and discussed my experience with several people today and every time I talked about it it gave me intense Source energy! ...

I get home late and I have the intense surge to look up my good friends name on Google. I did not know why, but after the second page of her name I seen something so PROFOUND about her situation that she has been agonizing for since 2007! There is a BREAKTHROUGH here! It was something that she has been telling AUTHORITIES for years and nobody believed her or care... I am so blessed to be able to share information with her and its 1:30am!... So I FB her and I left her a voice mail! ...

I pray that by morning this would be the best news she has heard ALL her LIFE! I want to be a part of that REJOICING!... May God see her through the rest of the process! God love her!


So these are the answers to my questions after the meditation that I did this morning!

"Today, I focus on what I want to ATTRACT in my life!" ~~ In a strange way I did attracted it... not only for the friend above, but for another friend today... God is good!

Question #1 Do you live your life from a place of abundance or lack? 

I often have lived my life from a place of lack... That is changing since I have been actively meditating for close to 2 1/2 years. Over the last two weeks I've been working on focusing on the blessings and not the lack.  I need to live from the place of ABUNDANCE!

Question #2 What messages about ABUNDANCE did you receive in your childhood? 

As a child I did not get negative messages that I can recall about abundance.  The typical money doesn't grow on trees ... or you have to work HARD for your money are the messages that I remember.  

What new expectations for a RICH and ABUNDANT life can you CREATE now? 

The rich and abundant life that I can create right now is the abundance of love! Love others! Give Love! Allow Love to be Given to Me! ... and just Love everyone!... With the understanding that the only thing that heals, fixes, transforms, rejuvenates, and changes anything is LOVE. To stay focused on this and not on what I don't have. To know that the love I have transmitted is so abundant it reached as far as Washington State, Africa, and Japan.  So to realized that I am ABUNDANT in my circumstances.  I must let this LOVE and LIGHT shine BRIGHT! 

Please use this section to reflect on today's session:

Those things that I believe I don't have right now.... I really do have them.  It does not have to be in front of me for me to know that I have it.  I am my children's mother no matter if they are with me now or not.  Being their mother is something that would never change.  Because I am not there at the present time does not change the REALITY that I am their mother... then, now, and always... And can't no one ever change that!  I feel blessed that I was LOVED so much! I feel blessed that their father's NEEDED that part of my LOVE so much, that they took the only thing they could to remind them of ME! The GREAT ME! The one that they try to hurt, but God is so good! As I see transformations in others I know that the transformations will also be there for me! My love meant so much to these fathers and I have compassion and empathy for whatever it is that had made them who they are and why they did the things they did.  MY LOVE had grounded them and continues to ground them via my children (and they should not be used as tools, but they were/are).  Now it is time for me to reap MIRACLES.  I am asking my Angels, Guardians, Guides, God, and Earth to provide these men with what it is that they were draining from me all these years and to help them realize that what they have done was not right, but it was okay for that time! But I ask my God's to move it in their SPIRIT that once Earth, Angels, Gods, Guides, Guardians provide them with that pure LOVE that they felt the need to take from me via my children. To either stay connected, stay with God spirit or whatever reason that now is the time to cut the cord!  It is time to return what was stolen/taken from me.  I decree that this is done! I expect miracles TODAY! 

A day or two ago a vision that I had was that my daughter and I were raking Source Energy and raking what we needed from the SEA of INFINITE possibilities! it was an awesome vision during meditation!... Absolutely beautiful! 

Question to MY readers: 

If someone got the blessings that you have been hoping for how would you feel? 

What would you say?

What would you think?

Please share your comments below... Thanks! JBONTZ

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